Home Expert Testimony Groundwater Resources Environmental Services Geotechnical Services Curriculum Vitae


Tony V. Sawyer, Consulting Hydrogeologist, PG 4345, CHg 40, CEG 1392


Curriculum Vitae

        You will find a copy of my current resume here.

Expert Testimony

A designated Subject Matter Expert, having testified in numerous cases on a variety of issues including:

    Impacts of high groundwater on residences

    Influence of groundwater on activation of landslides

    Sources of contamination on commercial and residential properties

    Defended other consultants on Standards of Practice issues

    Aided the Attorney General's office in civil and criminal cases against incompetent and unlicensed practice


Groundwater Resources

The assessment of available groundwater resources can be a deciding factor on the usability of a site.  Ensuring that the development and use of such resources is sustainable and won't result in the degradation of the quantity or quality of the groundwater is paramount.  By applying the latest technologies along with solid hydrogeological methodologies, optimal utilization of groundwater resources can be achieved.


Environmental Site Assessment

Migration of contamination through the subsurface can be a challenge to delineate and remediate.  More than twenty years of experience in the field in cases involving petroleum hydrocarbons, chlorinated solvents, vapor migration in the subsurface, leachate migration from landfills, etc., ensures an expeditious site assessment or case oversight.  Getting it done right the first time is critical to attaining a swift solution to the problem. 

Geotechnical Support Services

Groundwater conditions can cause delays in site development.  The impacts of unforeseen springs or flow conditions can cause serious long-term impacts to slopes and structures.  Whether it is due to the need to perform dewatering during construction or to deal with stormwater discharge from streets and hardscape, a reliable understanding of the subsurface geology and hydrogeology is critical. 



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Copyright � 2009 Tony V. Sawyer, Consulting Hydrogeologist
Last modified: 10/17/09